Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scentsy Recycled Flyer Bags

The people have spoken! What did they say? "How do we do this?!" My mind is very point A ----- L, and nothing in between. I was one of those kids in math class getting the answer, but not getting points for showing the work! I'm rambling.

Use these cute little guys to deliver bars, Layers, gifts, Host bags, Recruiting bags, whatever you can fit in here!!

What do you need? FOUR things! Four Flyers, a ruler, a glue stick, and decorative craft scissors.
There's no need for hot glue, crazy glue, a paper "boner", etc. I keep it real and budget friendly! Lol!

Cut the top of each Flyer to mimic a paper bag. 

Glue 1/2 inch along one side of your paper.

Keep going until you have a cylinder, making sure the zig-zig pattern matches.
If the bottom *doesn't* exactly match, it's okay. We're not perfect around here!

Measure 1.5 inches.

Fold up and crease. Use your ruler to make your crease. 
Do this on both sides.

Fold your crease inside out, like a grocery paper bag!

Measure 2 1/4 from the bottom.

Fold your crease up and down. Use your ruler to help you press it down.

This part is kinda tricky. Fold the sides down until you have flaps on the long side. 
It's like wrapping a present! 

Use your glue stick to glue the bottom together.

Ta-da!!!! It may take a couple tries. (I gave those to my mom, haha!) 
Attach tags, ribbon handles, Scent Circles, business cards, wax samples, bows, candy!
Whatever your heat desires!!

Enjoy! XOXO - Terri

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